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School Clubs

Parents/Carers information regarding School Clubs:

Children will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.  If a club is oversubscribed, we will keep a waiting list.


Information about clubs, their cost and payment information will be shared each term via ClassDojo.

We use the School Cloud platform for booking our clubs -

Where applicable, payment in full for each term must be received in advance via the SCOPAY website or app.


All club leaders will take a register at the start of each session.

If a child is unable to attend a session, please advise the school office.


If a club has to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances, we will notify parents via ClassDojo.

If a child no longer wishes to attend a club, we ask that you inform the school office as soon as possible so that the place can be offered to another child.

Clubs for Term 6, 2023-24



Please note;

Cookery Club - Starts Tuesday 11th June and runs for 5 weeks only.

Sports club - will not run on Wednesday 19th and 26th June due to prior fixtures/events.

Tennis club - last session is Thursday 4th July.

Yoga club - will not run on Tuesday 18th June due to a prior event.